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hyper {nano} - hyper in a Bottle โ€‹

Because hyper is built to be modular using the Ports and Adapters Architecture, Adapters and Apps are interchangeable. This is how we can test our business layer without choosing a database, for example. We can simply stub the Adapter that implements the Port that the core business logic interacts with.

This also means The hyper Service Framework can be ran using a set of Adapters designed to run ephemerally, perhaps for development environments. This is where hyper {nano} shines.

hyper {nano} is a compiled hyper Server using a set of "local development" adapters. It uses the HTTP-based RESTful app based on expressbuilt by the Core team, and the same hyper Core, but with a set of adapters that allow it to run locally sandboxed, and is fast and simple to quickly spin up and then blow away.

hyper {nano} is great for development or sandboxed short-lived environments ie. GitHub Workspaces or GitPod. Developers will use hyper {nano} to power their services tier in their local development environment.

Then in deployed environments, an hosted hyper Server is used that is running Adapters backed by more robust external services. The interactions with the hyper Server do not change!

To use hyper nano, you can download a compiled binary and run it

curl -o nano
chmod +x nano

There are binaries built for each major platform:

Node Usage โ€‹

Alternatively, if you use Node, you may run hyper-nano using npx:

npx hyper-nano --domain=foobar --experimental --data --cache ...

Deno Usage โ€‹

Alternatively, if you use Deno you may run hyper-nano directly from the source:

deno run --allow-run --allow-env --allow-read --allow-write=__hyper__ --allow-net --unstable --no-check=remote

If you'd like to programmatically start hyper-nano, you can import main.js and run main:

import { main } from "";

await main();

and then run:

deno run --allow-env --allow-read --allow-write=__hyper__ --allow-net --unstable --no-check=remote foo.js

All of these examples above will start a hyper nano instance, listening on port 6363. You can then consume your hyper instance hyper-connect (recommended) or using HTTP.

To consume using hyper-connect pass[port]/[domain] to hyper-connect as your connection string

Consume with hyper-connect:

import { connect } from "hyper-connect";

const hyper = connect("");


Or consume via HTTP


Bootstrapping services โ€‹

This feature is experimental and will need the --experimental flag to be enabled

hyper nano can be supplied arguments to create services on startup:

  • --data: create a hyper data service on startup
  • --cache: create a hyper cache service on startup
  • --storage: createa a hyper storage service on startup

Other command line arguments can be provided:

  • --purge: destroy the existing services. You may also pass in which service types to purge. ie ./nano --experimental --data --cache --storage --purge=data,cache will delete data and cache, but not storage
  • --domain: the name of the domain your services will be created under. This defaults to test


# Listen on 6363

# Purge the existing data service, then create a new one in test domain
./nano --experimental --data --purge

# Purge the cache service, then create data and cache services in test domain
./nano --experimental --data --cache --purge=cache

# Purge data, cache, and storage, then create data, cache, and storage services in test domain
./nano --experimental --data --cache --storage --purge

or programmatically:

import { main } from "";

 * - Listen on 6363
 * - Purge data service in test domain
 * - Create data, cache, and storage services in the test domain
await main({
  domain: "test",
  experimental: true,
  services: {
    data: true,
    cache: true,
    storage: true,
  purge: {
    data: true,

Learn more about hyper {nano} here